sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Preparation --> OK

The preparation of trip is too good like a trip! We can live many sensations without go out home. Like other travels, this time not was different, something needed to be prepared.

English Course

                                I was indicate for some friend to search help on Haibara Idiomas ( I studied 1 month, 3 once on week. It was very good! I liked of method, of teacher and my classmates too.
                               On this month I tried to facility my firsts days on the South Africa.

Knowing the Place

                I used the Google Street View to explore the Cape Town city. This tool is fantastic! How the people did do to travel???

Tickets + Accommodation + School

                I did all with the ETC Intercâmbio ( They help with to select of the School and resolved all questions about my Tickets and about place to stay.

The most important: Blessing of God

                I was on the church to ask the  blessing of God. It is very important to me.

With the preparations OK, it’s time to go!

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

Track of Day: Seven Rives – Jaboticatubas/MG

Today was my last adventure in Brazil before  my trip. We biked around of 50km and cross some rives. Many mounts e many hills!!

The place of today was beautiful.

We were tree person: I, Fabiano and Thiago.

Some pictures:

Next adventure: South Africa!!!!! :-)


sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

“Papo de Buteco” – 1 year old!

On the last Thursday (Sep/20) we celebrate the birthday of 1 year old of our meet named “Papo de Buteco”.

This event originated 1 year ago (2010-09-21) on the Bar Conservatório in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais with my work peers like a way of improve our friendship. During this year, we meted all Thursday in 41 different bars.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Day of Training - Zoo of Belo Horizonte

Today Andrea and I went visit the Zoo of Belo Horizonte. 

The object for our visit was:

- I went to make a test with the new lens to the Digital Camera.
- We went  to see the animals that we will see on the Africa.

domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011

Coming Soon - October/2011

5W-1H – South Africa

Who: Who will go with me to South Africa?    
Andrea and I and will go to South Africa.

What: What will do Andrea and I in South Africa?
We will go learning English in a intensive course for the period of 30 days.

Where: Where will we stay?
We will stay in Cape Town in South Africa in the African continent. 

When: When will we travel?
We will travel on 30-September and will back on 02-October.
Why: Why will we learn English in other country?
Because we believe that this is very important to know new people and new culture, moreover for us to learn a new idiom is a differential for our professional career.

How: How will we know other culture, other people and learning English?
We go out of Brazil and we will stay in Cape Town. In Cape Town we will study 3 times on day during 4 weeks. We intend spending our free time, talking to natives and visiting new places.

Olha a Lua de Hoje

Passeio para Serra do Cipó - Serra Morena - 03/09/2011

No Sábado passado fizemos um passeio bacana d+++.  Fomos "fazer sala" para nosso amigo Adão que veio nos visitar de Blumenau/SC.

Foi tudo de bom, lugar muito bonito e companhias melhores ainda!

Eu, José Luis, João e Adão

João, Adão e Jose Luis - Ein Prosit!!!

Não tem como não parar para admirar um lugar como este

Aviões... 13/08/2011

Estas fotos são de um dia que eu estava esperando a Andrea chegar...

Tentei ser o mais democrático possível :-)

Passeio no Rio 07/08/2011

No final de semana do dia 07 e 08 de agosto fui com um casal amigo meu para o Rio. Foi ótimo, clima perfeito e fotos, melhores ainda.

Destaque para a Andrea que virou "A Sombra"!

Pedal - Trilha da Meditação - 17/07/2011

Fazia tempo que eu não ia na trilha da meditação. A última vez que eu tinha ido, foi com meu amigo Elio, em 2009.

O lugar é tudo de bom, porém cobra bem o preço do visual deslumbrante. São cerca de 26km de subida para se chegar no mirante. De lá porem, é possível ver a Torre do Alta Vista em Belo Horizonte.

Estavam presentes: Eu, Jader, Fabiano (que comprou terreno!!!), Thiago, Daniel e Marcio.